Proxmox All The Things... Almost

My consolidation is finally complete–after to a running , I went through all my machines and assimilated them into a single cluster:

all those cores, laying idle...
Not too shabby for a bunch of mismatched gear.

was already running , so I went ahead and converted the LXD stack in by converting all the rootfs as , which was easy enough, if slow–all my sandboxes were up and running again in a couple of hours.

I was a bit sad about decommissioning the and realized I needed a small Intel machine to be a guinea pig for eventually migrating over my home automation stack, so I went ahead and installed on it too… Except I had to do it the hard way.

The installer didn’t like the EMMC storage, so I installed a very minimal Debian 12 system and automated the rest. The result is a little cramped RAM-wise, but I have another someplace and will eventually repeat the process to use them to test disk replication and fail-over1.

One notable thing I had to do (so as to get running inside a new, unprivileged LXC) was to map the tun/tap devices into the containers:

# cat /etc/pve/lxc/105.conf | grep dev 
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 10:200 rwm
lxc.mount.entry: /dev/net/tun dev/net/tun none bind,create=file

The Good Bits

The main reason I finally did this was that takes away a bunch of the hassle of running my local machines and makes it just a little bit closer to my day-to-day experience on Azure.

The things I like the most about my current setup are being able to:

  • Keep tabs on all resources at a glance (CPU, RAM, disk, etc.) across multiple hosts.
  • Snapshot any VM/LXC and return them to a “known good” state with a couple of clicks (thanks to LVM).
  • Backup any of my systems to my NAS from any host with a single click (any node added to the cluster inherits those settings).
  • Migrate VMs or LXC containers to any other host (as long as there’s enough resources) also with a single click (I haven’t tried volume replication and “live” migration yet, but fully intend to).
  • Add/remove/migrate storage volumes and images with ease (as well as manage mount points, to a degree).
  • Manipulate container configurations via the CLI, and according to standard Linux primitives.
  • Have full control of networking down to the VLAN level2.

However, I can’t:

  • Monitor non- machines (would be nice).
  • Use SMB/CIFS filesystems inside unprivileged LXC containers trivially3.
  • Play with distributed storage (I just don’t have the right hardware).
  • Keep track of Docker containers (or open ports for running services).

Another Layer–Portainer

As it happens I got a few notes regarding my , and a couple of people asked me why I wasn’t using Portainer. Well, I am, but not for infrastructure management:

current working set
These are a mix of containerized workspaces (like Jupyter), development and automation of various sorts.

Besides the fact that I need to run actual VMs (for Windows, at least), there’s the simple fact that I prefer to just use docker-compose and have a trivial way to version things.

Portainer is very nice if you manage a mix of standard containers or a Kubernetes cluster, but it has a few things it can’t do in that scope, and the killer ones for me are:

  • Export things to a docker-compose file instead of a JSON dump.
  • Version configurations easily.
  • Migrations between hosts
  • Backups/snapshots of stateful volumes

You can “migrate” the stacks, but all the stateful volumes are left behind. I get that this is because stateful storage is supposed to be in persistent volume claims these days, but for simple docker-compose stacks, it’s a big flaw.

On the other hand, it is very nice to use to look at Docker logs, pop open a shell, etc.–I’ve been using it on my alongside the built-in Container Manager, and also added a couple of remote agents to it to manage stacks running inside VM/LXC hosts this week.

A minor gripe with Portainer environments

One thing I did come was that even with “volumeless” containers, Portainer currently fails to create containers on agent-managed hosts, which is inexcusable.

For instance, I can’t start this trivial web terminal sandbox on a connected host environment, because the agent cannot build the container locally:

    hostname: terminal
      - 7681:7681
      context: .
      dockerfile_inline: |
        FROM alpine:latest
        RUN apk add --no-cache tini ttyd socat openssl openssh ca-certificates vim tmux htop mc unzip && \
        echo "export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '" >> /etc/profile && \
        # Fake poweroff
        echo "alias poweroff='kill 1'" >> /etc/profile
        EXPOSE 7681
        ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]
        CMD [ "ttyd", "--writable", "-s", "3", "-t", "titleFixed=/bin/sh", "-t", "rendererType=webgl", "-t", "disableLeaveAlert=true", "/bin/sh", "-i", "-l"]

But those things will eventually get fixed. And now I have a (nominally) stable infrastructure to tide me over during the holidays, leaving me (hopefully) free to do some coding and flesh out a couple of prototypes. And who knows, I might even add k3s to the mix as well… I miss it.

  1. The boxes I have are limited to 2GB RAM and a 32GB EMMC (and takes up one 1GB of RAM idle on it), but their 4 cores and an attached USB 3 HDD make them pretty useful. ↩︎

  2. I haven’t had time to delve into this yet–but I fully intend to now that most of my LAN switches have been by managed ones. ↩︎

  3. This is a bit of a pet peeve, since I’ve been fighting with smbnetfs and mc for a couple of hours now–the former chokes on large file moves and the latter shows FUSE directories as empty, which is just sad in 2023. ↩︎

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