The Apple+Google Hype, iPhoto, and a Reality Check

One of the things I detest about being a user is the signal-to-noise ratio in -related news. I've ranted on this topic at length before, but I never expected Infinite Loop to kick off one of the rounds, based on this find inside the "new" 's Localizable.strings file.

I've on the impacts of Eric Schmidt joining the board myself, but one has to have a sense of proportion on these things.

has had support for GPS information in tags since $DIVINITY knows when (I ought to know, since I have a vague recollection of having posted about its debut, but I can't find the post anymore) but I've been playing around with and exiftool , and let me tell you this much -

It would be news if it worked consistently.

Anyway, GPS information is displayed on the "Exposure" tab in version 5.0.4 of , which is what I use on my iBook (given that version 6 has all those clever feature restrictions that disable all the nice bits on G3 processors). It mostly works, although I have yet to find a decent way to make sure (any version) lets me manage and export all the tags (GPS, notes, keywords, whatnot) correctly.

What About Before 6.0.5?

On to the conspiracy theory bit. First off, I'd love to know if someone who hasn't upgraded their recently can find this string. I can only check 5.0.4 and 6.0.5, so I can't disprove this being "new" (but I'd honestly love to).

Update: matt posted a comment wherein he states:

To satisfy your curiosity, the same string exists in my copy of iPhoto, which is 6.0.4, so it's not new in 6.0.5.

But that is somewhat tangential to my main point - Do you know how much effort it takes to generate a URL?

Roll Your Own Partnership

Well, practically zilch. This very Wiki has them in droves, with a simple one-line addition to the . All you need to do is to tack on the coordinates and a description between parenthesis, like so:

38.707566,-9.136441 (Praça do Comércio)

My Wiki markup for this, thanks to the Geo one-liner in , is:

[Sample|Geo:38.707566,-9.136441 (Praça do Comércio)]

...which gives: Sample

This is such a trivial thing to add to any application that finding the URL prefix for doing this in is worth just about zilch where it regards being "proof" of an / partnership.

And you'd think that if this was an actual feature under development, they would at least have added the photo caption to the URL, no? As it is, the URL would display a rather bland generic balloon - that's so un- that I don't think they'd go there...

The only thing this find proves, in my opinion, is that the spirit of leaving easter eggs in applications is still alive and well at - just because people haven't found a "normal" way (a hidden key combo, etc.) for activating the "Show" button doesn't mean it's not there.

Buy hey, we've been over this before with the " support in " frenzy before - remember this? or this (or even the original piece?).

Like Mark Pilgrim put it regarding digg users -

...“goldfish memories can last as long as three months.” Which puts them approximately 47 days ahead of the collective memory of Digg.

Based on the amount of "non-news" I routinely sift through on my -related RSS feeds, my current estimate for the collective memory of the rumor mills is around a third of digg users'.

Update: The madness has started already (via Techmeme):

Notice how a gazillion people post this as news, and how the speculation snowballs...

So that I expect this / thing to become another recurrent rumor until digs out the Sherlock codebase, cleans it up a bit and starts doing real integration.

Ha. You wish... They won't even do and move to a infrastructure...

Picking up the meme again, people found a drop of milk and assume there are two cows hidden in the closet.

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