I'm still not telling, sorry. Not only does it fall under my Disclaimer, I'm also not going to rant on about the incredible backlog of stuff I have right now and the fact that it's not at all a good idea to overload folk with randomly re-prioritized stuff.
No, I'll just rephrase the old adage known as Baruch's law and make it my own -
When all you have is a lack of resources, everyone looks like a work mule.
Or, as Dilbert would put it, as an underling:
Shameless Plug
Before moving on to the news, I hereby pronounce Mail Act-On to be the second best thing since sliced bread (although I'm pretty sure I could get Quicksilver - the best one - to do most of what it does).
I've been using it for a while, but today I re-factored my action bindings and was able to cope with my overflowing RSS inbox (yes, I'm still using newspipe, and it still rocks) in less than forty-five minutes.
News Dump
Moderately fresh and juicy.
- 10.4.4 is rumored to be in the works. Doesn't surprise me, since Mail.app still has most of the issues I rant about - plus a couple of new ones, like it mis-reporting the number of unread messages in some folders by twice the amount.
- Via Gruber, Xcode 2.2 is available, albeit with a few known issues. Ahem. Maybe ZDNet can test it as part of their Mac OS X on Intel review, no? Nuts, indeed.
- Oh, and speaking of nuts, Sony also installs malware on Macs. Good going, guys, I'll keep that in mind when I next see the PSP on sale.
- US$16.95 for a TiVo, and me stuck on this miserable country. And no, Nokia didn't deign reply again. Don't have the time to bother, either.
- wikiCalc - So, what about those Google Office rumors, then?
- A lucid take on DRM.
- Cisco is wrong. IPv6 isn't being blocked by v4 "loyalists", it's being blocked by the complete and utter lack of decent support at the application level (and I'm not talking about browsers here), which in turn allows ISPs to remain at the "why bother?" stage. The instant BitTorrent working atop IPv6 becomes popular, IPv6 will take off like a bat out of hell.
- Orange makes it evident that they know nothing about security whatsoever.
- David Magda sent me this link about the new 802.11 working groups: 802.11w and 802.11y. Getting low on letters there, folks...
- If Hello Kitty were an Imperial Stormtrooper - hilarious.