Go (lang)

A great systems-oriented programming language I’ve taken up to complement due to its ability to cross-compile and produce (mostly) self-contained static binaries.


Shrinking executables via gccgo and upx:

go build -mod=vendor -gccgoflags '-Os -s' -o main && upx --best --lzma main


Category Date Link Notes
AI 2023 agency

an LLM library for Go

Authentication 2020 authelia

authentication and authorization server providing 2-factor authentication and single sign-on


an identity-aware proxy


a full IAP authentication solution with OpenID integration


a standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends

2018 traefik-forward-auth

a forward auth service that provides OAuth support for the Traefik reverse proxy

Big Data gohadoop

A set of libraries to build Hadoop jobs

2015 Glow

An easy-to-use distributed computation (map-reduce) system in pure Go.

Configuration 2018 envconfig

simple, no-frills environment variable handling

2017-01 viper

A flexible configuration solution for 12 factor apps (and more)

Data Science 2018 go-freeling

Natural language processing


operations on slices of floats


Graph navigation/traversal


Matrix algebra


Gradient descent and minimization


Plotting and visualization


statistics package


A Jupyter kernel for Go


DataFrames, Series and data manipulation


Multivariable regression


CSV and tabular data

Data Structures 2016 gen

Clojure-like immutable data-structures and functional helpers

Database 2022 sqlite

a Go interface to sqlite3


a set of math and statistics extensions to sqlite

2021 nakama

A game-oriented state server, backed by CockroachDB

2020 dbmate

a database migration tool that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and ClickHouse

2016 gorm

A Go ORM library

Deep Learning 2018 go-neural
Desktop 2022 wails

an Electron-like framework for desktop app development

GUI 2024 gio

a cross-platform GUI library for Go


a React-like destkop GUI toolkit for Go that supports FLTK and Cocoa

2023 fyne

a cross platform GUI toolkit that can be used in Android and iOS

2022 tinygui

a GUI toolkit for TinyGo

Graphics sdfx

a CAD package written in Go

2016 gift

The Go Image Filtering Toolkiti

HomeKit 2022 hap

a rewrite of the brutella/hc HomeKit library

IoT 2020 tamago

compile and execute Go on bare ARM SoCs

2018 gokrazy

a pure-Go userland for Raspberry Pi 3 appliances


an LLVM compiler for small devices

Libraries 2023 ergo

an impressive Erlang-compatible library for implementing OTP design patterns


signed distance function shape generation


OpenID Connect client and server library

2022 maphash

Hash any comparable type using Golang’s fast runtime hash.


supports EXIF, XMP and HEIC metadata parsing


a self-contained MQTT implementation

2020 Chroma

a fast generic syntax highlighter


A distributed cache and in-memory key/value data store that can be used standalone or embedded.

2019 bild

a collection of parallel image processing algorithms

2018 go-imap

an IMAP client library


A Resque-compatible library for background workers


A digital processing package


Faster JSON for Go


Fast JSON data retrieval


A simple interface for Go web scraping

2016 go-linq

LINQ-like functionality with coroutine support


A network-enabled abstraction that mimics channels

Machine Learning 2018 goml

stream oriented ML library


word2vec model support


A very nice machine learning library

Messaging 2024 SmoothMQ

is a drop-in replacement for AWS SQS

2018 nsq

A message queueing system

Microservices 2020 flogo

a low-code environment with streaming support and a Node-RED like approach.


an interesting take on deployment and discovery via P2P/Kademlia

2019 go-micro

a microservices framework with pluggable components for discovery, transports, etc.

Middleware 2017-11 casbin

a flexible access control library

Networking 2023 blocky

DNS proxy/ad-blocker for local network (can run inside of gokrazy)

2018 router7

A router based on gokrazy

Other 2021 macdriver

Objective-C bindings for Go

2018 Shrinking Go binaries

By stripping debug symbols and using upx


Pack external assets into a Go program as binary data

Parsers 2016-06 etree

An XML handling library modeled on Python’s ElementTree

Protocols 2016 go-vnc

An extensible VNC protocol library

2015-03 torrent

An embeddable BitTorrent library

2015-01 mangos

A network library for IPC patterns

Robotics 2014 Gobot

A set of robotics-oriented libraries

Search 2016 blevesearch

A Lucene-like indexing library

Servers 2023 mox

modern full-featured (SMTP, IMAP, DKIM, etc.) mail server

2020 maddy

a composable, all-in-one SMTP/IMAP server

System 2018 suture

A library that implements Erlang-like supervision trees

Tools 2024 gozer

A simple static site generator


a Linux userland in pure Go


Hyper-minimal webserver for serving SPAs and static content


A general purpose HTTP reverse proxy and forwarding tool

2023 glow

a CLI Markdown renderer in te spirit of more/less


A partial reimplementation of Jekyll in Go

2022 vhs

terminal demo recorder with GIF/ffmpegre output


a CLI tool to identify which libraries contribute most to binary size

2021 till

a web scraping caching proxy that handles most of the anti-scraping mechanics


a lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that claims to run in less than 100 MB of RAM and has a broadly similar API


a profiling platform with support for Go, Python and Ruby

2020 Got

a tool/library that uses concurrent HTTP range requests for faster downloads

Transpilers 2014 Tardis Go

A transpiler to JavaScript


A simplified dialect that compiles to Clojure


A transpiler to JavaScript

UI 2019 muon

a lightweight alternative to Electron with go bindings

2018 termui

A terminal-oriented dashboard library

2014 ui

A platform-native GUI library

Video 2024 go2rtc

a camera proxy that can surface RTSP cameras to HomeKit (and much more)

Web 2022 but

a full-stack web framework with server-side rendering and good JS integration

2020 gearbox

A web framework built around fasthttp

2018 Beego

Ships with an ORM and built-in monitoring


A set of libraries for E-Commerce and CMS


uses a Radix tree for routing, handles panics


Lots of features and plugins

2017-07 HttpRouter

A high performance HTTP router


A Sinatra-inspired, minimalist framework

2016-06 echo

A high-performance HTTP server framework with LetsEncrypt support

Web Frameworks 2024 sandwich

a middleware & routing framework


a web app realtime backend with SQLite, user and file management, and a dashboard UI.

Writing 2023 vale

an extensible linter for prose

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