
Erlang is a language I’ve studiously avoided despite actually having been trained to use it by Ericsson, back when we lived in caves and had no mobile data. Obviously, these days I have trouble even reading it.


Category Date Link Notes
Derivatives 2015 Lisp Flavored Erlang

Insanely awesome, or awesomely insane, I’m not quite sure.

2024 gleam

a typed language that can run under Erlang or JavaScript

Interop 2014 py

distributed Python for the Erlang ecosystem

IoT 2023 Nerves Livebook

a Nerves-based firmware image to run Livebook on the Raspberry Pi

Machine Learning Livebook

a Jupyter-like environment written in Elixir

Reference 2015 Learn You Some Erlang

For great good!

Runtime Erlang on Xen
2015-01 Nerves-Project

Cross-compiled Erlang for Embedded Devices

2020 Enigma

a nearly complete OTP runtime implemented in Rust


an OTP runtime for ESP series MCUs

Servers 2021 maddy

a composable email server with IMAP, SMTP, DKIM, SPF, DMARC, DANE and MTA-STS support

Web 2013 Nitrogen

Very complete framework, with a somewhat iffy notion of views. Not crazy about the way it generates JavaScript.


A complete CMS


Also on the “stable” side of things.


Inspired by Sinatra, apparently, and pretty straightforward for RESTful stuff.


The “traditional” thing, pretty much dead, apparently, even though it’s in active use in many places. Let’s call it “stable”.

2014 elli

A small, performant web server

2014-11 Phoenix

the Elixir web framework

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