lighttpd is a simple, lightweight HTTP server that has become popular recently.
Instant WebDAV server (very useful when you’ve got to access the filesystem in a remote machine behind a firewall):
$ cat lighttpd.conf $HTTP["url"] =~ "/.*" { webdav.activate = "enable" = "disable" } server.bind = server.port = 8090 server.document-root="/tmp" server.modules = ( "mod_auth", "mod_access", "mod_webdav", "mod_accesslog" ) accesslog.filename = "/tmp/access_log"
Fire it up, forward a local port to the remote machine (ssh -C -L 8090: is recommended), and connect to http://localhost:8090 in the Finder.
launchd item installed by MacPorts :
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.lighttpd.plist