Another Slice of Time

Weeks are currently composed of sets of five Mondays and two Sundays during which we alternatively try to work amidst a hail of or try to keep the house moderately clean, so despite there having been quite a lot going on I haven’t managed to do much of interest of late.

With recurring headaches at the end of every day caused by workmen banging on walls above my office, constant context-switching or just wearing noise-cancelling headphones for too long in this heat, inspiration to do anything of interest hasn’t been forthcoming, so I spent most of my free time trying (and occasionally managing) to find some solace in casual entertainment.

That has meant, for instance, watching The Bridge and wrapping my brain around Swedish (it’s all quite fascinating, but late night TV isn’t the best way to develop language skills), “doomscrolling” through the mess the world has turned into, or going off the beaten path and trying out new things. Or just diving further into newly familiar ones.

For instance, following up on our recent , I decided (perhaps unwisely) to get myself a NVIDIA SHIELD TV Pro, and have been messing around with it on weekends–I don’t have enough material to write about it properly yet, but I already think it is a pretty good post-modern console for casual gaming (both streamed AAA titles and on-board emulation).

I’m just not sure it’s for me, but then again I can say that about most of the things I’ve been doing lately.

Vacations can’t come soon enough, I guess–I need a change of scenery.

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