I am extremely sad about this (and find it nonsensical since we’re talking about streaming, and there are plenty of Remote Desktop and video streaming apps out there).
Since I kind of saw this coming a mile away, I actually got myself an NVIDIA Shield a few weeks back. I haven’t had time to write about it at length, but there are two things I can share at this point:
It (metaphorically) hurts to have an Android box plugged into my TV when the Apple TV could theoretically do it all, and it’s still a bit of a hack to run xCloud on it (better than before, though).
But I can stream whatever games I want, and that, ultimately, is the future.
Bonus annoyance: the Android TV experience is surprisingly good. Enough to make me wonder about the long-term survival of the Apple TV outside our little bubble of nerdery and ultra-polished UX.