An RPM-based Linux distribution that has recently been assimilated by Novell.
Good Points:
- YaST
- Utterly painless partition resizing for installation
- Graphical boot
- Comes with Gnome 2.10, Tomboy, Beagle and other Mono goodness.
Bad Points:
- Annoying default sound theme
- Ugly KDE icons in the Gnome menu and all over YaST
- Even uglier default cursor scheme (and no GUI to change it)
- Evolution 2.2 remains identical to its buggy self (the Exchange connector crashes, and requires a --force-shutdown)
- OpenOffice is still miles from usable
- For some moronic reason, the default Portuguese keyboard layout is "Eliminate dead keys" (changeable via gnome-settings but not via YaST)
Tested Hardware:
- Toshiba Portégé M100 - Toshiba audio, mouse and hotkeys just worked. The ipw2000 Wi-Fi card is appropriately detected and supported during install (but does get "cloned" after the initial reboot). Suspend to RAM failed once, but worked correctly after a reboot. Wi-Fi did not reconnect automatically, but that seems to be a matter of preferences. battery-applet thinks having two batteries means I'm on AC power
. As an added bonus, swapping the DVD drive for the extra battery pack hard froze the machine.
My sources.list:
# Suggested sources.list file # # This line for production servers: rpm SuSE/9.3-i386 update security suse-projects rpmkeys # Additional sources line for 'base' packages # Uncomment once base component is available rpm SuSE/9.3-i386 base # Uncomment these components for desktop machines: rpm SuSE/9.3-i386 packman packman-i686 usr-local-bin suser-jogley # Mozilla component - uncomment for desktops if made available for 9.3 #rpm SuSE/9.3-i386 mozilla