Godot Engine 

Godot is a game engine that has risen in popularity over the past few years. It currently supports (officially) its own programming language (GDScript, in both textual and “visual” forms) and (via mono), and is able to target most platforms (including mobile, VR headsets and consoles).

Unlike Unity or Unreal (which have massive communities, asset stores, and performance/storage requirements), it has an almost tiny footprint (less than a hundred megabytes) and runs quite well on low-end hardware, so despite having fiddled with Unity on and off for years, I (together with my kids) find myself playing around with Godot instead.

(It’s worth noting that Godot’s visual scripting was a pretty decent starting point for getting started with game logic and that, despite discontinued, it lives on as an extension.)


Category Date Link Notes
Add-ons 2021 godot-sqlite

SQLite support


a tool to generate river meshes with flow and foam maps based on bezier curves.

Voxel Core

Voxel creation and manipulation

Time of Day

Dynamic skydome with time of day support


an infinite grid add-on


a unit testing framework


a complex animation helper


A helper tool for dialog creation


texture painting add-on

Apps 2020 Godello

a Trello clone with a Phoenix back-end


a 2D sprite editor

Audio 2021 Mixing Desk

procedural audio and adaptive music

Extensions 2020 ArcadiaGodot

a port of the Clojure Arcadia project

Geometry 2021 Shell Fur

add fur to characters

Polygon Fracture

libraries for fracturing polygons in various ways


a Godot 3 LOD add-on

Graphics 2024 GodotOceanWaves

a rendering experiment utilizing inverse Fourier transform for ocean wave generation in real-time


a tool that implements a dynamic day/night cycle

Interface 2021 Virtual Joystick

a touchscreen virtual joystick controller

Language Bindings 2023 SwiftGodot

Miguel de Icaza’s Swift driver for Godot

Models 2020 Platformer Kit

a free model kit to build platform games

Networking 2024 godot-mqtt

a Godot 4 MQTT plugin

Other 2023 gdwlroots

a module which provides bindings to wlroots, for building Wayland compositors within Godot


a port of Doom for Godot


a simple implementation of a Force-Directed Graph

Plugins 2024 Godot Orchestrator

a visual-scripting solution for Godot 4.2+

2023 Godot-GameGUI

a dynamic layout and sizing system for building user interfaces


a extension that integrates the Jolt physics engine


a nice camera handling plugin for both 2D and 3D games

2021 Scatter

Placement of foliage and other assets

Volumetrics Plugin

a GLES-only volumetric fog plugin

Heightmap Plugin

Includes a terrain sculpting tool and LOD generation

Tree Generator

a tree generator plugin for Godot 3


Python language support for Godot

2020 godot_heightmap_plugin

A heightmap-based terrain plugin for Godot 3.x

Easy Charts

a library with a number of 2D/3D chart types

Samples 2022 godot_webrtc_mqtt

a WebRTC and MQTT example with a working GDScript MQTT client

2021 GodotMindMap

a barebones mind mapping app

2020 Oculus Quest Toolkit

includes a simple Beat Saber clone and all

Sample Demo Code

a number of interesting bits of code, including some amazing sample shaders


a VR workout game for the Oculus Quest

Shaders Godot Shader Examples
Tools 2021 GIF exporter

save frames directly to a GIF file

2019 frt

a Godot runtime for the Raspberry Pi

Tutorials 2020 Kids Can Code Tutorials

a set of Godot 2 tutorials (easy to follow by kids, but some GDScript needs to be rewritten for 3.x)

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