These little modules have taken hobby electronics by storm, so of course I grabbed a few of them and have been hacking away quietly on both the ESP8266
and the ESP32
Category | date | Link | Notes |
Cameras | 2024 | esp32-homekit-camera | a camera project that I keep trying to fix |
Displays | ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display Audio Fixes | a video on how to fix audio issues with the Cheap Yellow Display |
2023 | ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display | a set of libraries for the ESP32-2432S028R and similar displays |
Documentation | ESP32 Buyer's Guide | an updated guide to the various SKUs for 2023 |
Emulation | 2021 | Retro ESP32 | a set of emulators for ESP32, mostly targeting the Odroid Go |
GUI | 2022 | slint | a GUI toolkit that can run in MCUs like the Pi pico and the ESP32 |
Hacks | 2020 | Hacking A Mitsubishi Heat Pump | I need to do this to mine |
IoT | 2021 | AI-on-the-edge-device | an impressive water meter reader solution using an ESP32 |
Libraries | 2023 | HomeSpan | Arduino library for creating your own ESP32-based HomeKit devices |
rtl_433_ESP | an Arduino library for use on ESP32 boards with to decode 433MHz sensor signals |
Home Accessory Architect | a set of libraries to create HomeKit devices |
littlefs | A little fail-safe filesystem designed for MCUs |
DeviceScript | TypeScript for Tiny IoT Devices (ESP32, RP2040, etc.) |
PicoMQTT | An MQTT client and server library for ESP8266 and ESP32 devices. |
esp32-ir-powermeter | a library to read power usage from a digital power meter via the infrared interface |
2022 | FabGL | a set of ESP32 libraries that allow for VGA output and various graphics-related functionality, as well as terminal emulation |
2020 | HeatPump | the library to talk to Mitsubishi ACs |
2019 | SSD1306 Driver | This driver works correctly with the 1.1.0 revision Wemos D1 OLED shields I have |
2017 | pubsubclient | A smaller, simpler MQTT library |
McLighting | An RGB LED controller library |
2016 | esp_mqtt | a MQTT library with SSL support |
M5Stack | 2020 | WiFi Hash Monster | an EAPOL sniffer (and generic Wi-Fi monitor) |
CovidSniffer | a COVID tracker BLE sniffer |
Mods | 2024 | ESP32_TFT_PIO | a Cheap Yellow Display project with mods to improve the audio quality |
Networking | Zimodem | custom modem simulator with lots of features |
ESP32-Bluetooth-USB-dongle | use a ESP32 device like a Bluetooth dongle |
WifiModem | ESP8266 firmware to act as a telnet modem and server |
esp32-open-mac | an open source Wi-Fi driver for the ESP32 |
WifiModem | Hayes modem emulation for ESP8266 modules |
2020 | espethernet | direct connection to a PHY device |
ESP32 NAT Router | a basic router for the ESP32 |
2017 | esp_wifi_repeater | An amazing Wi-Fi repeater, with basic mesh networking |
WiFiManager | A library for first-boot configuration of Wi-Fi connections |
Operating Systems | 2021 | FUZIX | a minimal UNIX-like OS that can run on a variety of MCUs |
Lua-RTOS-ESP32 | a Lua-based RTOS for the ESP32 that also has a block-based editor |
Reference | 2023 | ESP01-Send--Receive-Circuit | a circuit to use the ESP-01 as an IR receiver |
Resources | 2016 | ESP8266 superfast flashing | |
2013 | Getting Started with the ESP8266 | Everything you need to know. |
How to use the ESP8266-01 pins | Nice, straightforward overview |
Runtimes | 2020 | mitsubishi2MQTT | a Tasmota-like firmware to control Mitsubishi ACs |
2019 | esphome | modular firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
2017 | esp-lisp | A tiny LISP interpreter |
2016 | Arduino Core | An ESP8266 core for Arduino |
MicroPython | Which also supports the ESP8266 thanks to this Kickstarter campaign |
2014 | An SDK for the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Chip | The early days |
Security | 2024 | ESP32-Marauder-Cheap-Yellow-Display | A set of wireless security tools for the Cheap Yellow Display |
Tools | 2023 | ESP32-MPY-Jama | a MicroPython IDE for the ESP32 family |
2022 | esp_ghota | a way to do OTA updates via GitHub |
Video | 2020 | espflix | an inspired ESP32 video hack |