
The language that helped coin the moniker Rust Evangelism Strike Force, and which is slowly starting to get to me.


Category Date Link Notes
Data 2021 ballista

an Apache Spark-like distributed execution environment

2023 lance

a modern columnar data format that is optimized for ML workflows and datasets, compatible with pandas

Embedded 2024 embassy

a framework for ESP32, Pico and Nordic MCUs

GUI dioxus

GUI library for desktop, web, mobile, and more, using the system webview

Game Engines 2020 Bevy

a data-driven game engine


a scripting language for Rust game development


a 3D game engine

Libraries kay

an actor system for Rust


a platform for building actor systems running WebAssembly


Markdown paraer


A family of CRDT’s supporting both State and Op based replication


Syntax highlighting using Sublime Text definitions

2021 bastion

a distributed fault-tolerant runtime system


a Rust port of cmark-gfm

2023 ratatui

a library for developing text user interfaces


an actor library

Parallelism 2020 rayon

a data parallelism library

2024 kay

An intriguing, mostly self-contained Actor system

Profiling 2020 heaptrack

a memory profiler

Reference 2023 The Rust on ESP Book

A very nice guide on how to do Rust development for Expressif ESP32 devices

Servers 2022 meilisearch

another search engine with document-level access control


another search engine (Lucene-inspired)


a fast and schema-less indexing/search backend

Tools 2020 rust-musl-builder

Docker wrappers for building Rust binaries with musl

2021 tauri

an Electron alternative that uses system webviews

2022 mcfly

an enhanced ctrl-r replacement

2024 zoxide

a port of the venerable z utility to Rust

Web Frameworks 2023 Rocket

a mostly complete async web framework

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