Macromedia’s vector-based animation format, originally one of the most popular formats on the Web. With the addition of ActionScript, it became a tremendously powerful development platform and died quickly at the hands of HTML5, JavaScript and the iPhone (in no particular order).
No Flash Audio in Safari?
- Open and quit Audio MIDI Setup or GarageBand. Yes, 10.4.8 still has this. Go figure.
- Open Source Flash - a SF-like site for Flash projects and docs.
Linux/generic UNIX
- QFlash, a Linux authoring environment (apparently Qt-based)
- swfmill - Flash generation from a simple XML dialect.
- Open Source Flash - a community site listing several Flash projects.
- gordon, a JavaScript renderer.
- Flaex, one of the many decompilers available.
- flashticle, a Python/MochiKit-oriented library.
- pyswf, another Python library.
- Motion-Twin compiler
- Flare decompiler
- FlashCast, screen captures to Flash
- swftools - several converters
- Moho, a commercial (but cheap) 2D animation environment
- Ming - an Open Source generator for PHP and other languages (seems stalled)
- The Flash XML FAQ
- sIFR, a DHTML and Flash replacement for headline fonts.
- InstantStorm, for generating Windows screensavers from .swf files.
- FlowPlayer - Video, free.
- Wimpy AV Player - playlist, commercial
- Wordpress Audio Player - audio, donationware.
- Flash Video Player - free for non-commercial use.
- Movie Controller component
- Another controller based on Ming