The language that actually ended up coming after C. The name is actually a pun on C itself, but if you’re reading this you probably knew that already.
Category | Date | Link | Notes |
Debuggers | 2025 | Desbordante | a high-performance data profiler |
GUI | 2024 | clay | High-performance 2D UI layout library with a flex-box model, zero dependencies, and WASM support |
slint | a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript |
Image Processing | 2021 | Beatmup | Has Python bindings and can run neural nets on a Raspberry Pi for image upscaling |
Libraries | 2024 | ANTIRTOS | a lightweight C++ library for efficient task management in IoT and embedded applications without the need for an RTOS. |
TUI | FTXUI | a cross-platform library for creating terminal-based user interfaces. |
2025 | TVision | a Turbo Vision clone for modern C++. |
Tools | 2023 | tau | a very small unit test framework |
Web Frameworks | 2012 | drogon | A C++14/17 web framework |
2023 | Crow | a Flask-inspired microframework |
oatpp | a lightweight, zero dependencies web framework that has modules for Swagger and SQLite, among others |