For all the scripting addicts out there, this is the language without a substr
function (but with razor-sharp1 memory management).
Gosh, it’s been ages.
Date | Category | Link | Notes |
2024 | GUI | luigi | a single-header GUI library for Win32, X11, and Essence |
clay | High-performance 2D UI layout library with a flex-box model, zero dependencies, and WASM support |
slint | a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript |
full-beans | a lightweight microui and canvas library |
fenster | provides a minimal way to create a cross-platform 2D canvas with input and audio support |
Libraries | rusty.hpp | an experimental Rust-like borrow checker |
cpr | A C++ HTTP library inspired on Requests |
cr_task.h | a single-header library for cooperative multitasking |
webview | Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++ |
Web | blogtech | a minimal web server designed for robustness and hosting static content. |
2023 | Cross-Platform | w2c2 | translates WebAssembly modules to C |
2022 | Libraries | picolibc | a standard C library for embedded systems with limited RAM |
2021 | Cross-Platform | redbean | sheer single-executable and zip wizardry |
Data | twemproxy (nutcracker) | a Redis and memcached proxy for managing concurrent connections |
Graphics | LVGL | an impressive library for embedded devices |
2020 | Libraries | EnTT | a game-oriented library that provides an entity-component system |
2018 | Data | Sparser | a high-speed JSON, Avro and Parquet parser |
Web | Ultralight | a WebKit/Chromium subset for embedded development |
2013 | Libraries | Cello | an impressive higher-order programming library |
Web | Rapthers | a modern web framework written in pure C. |
Duda | another web framework that embeds an |
As in, it cuts deep when you don’t manage it. ↩︎