Stuff That Has Been Piling Up

...on my inbox and that I could only deal with today, in relative peace and quiet:

  • Those of you interested in taking a masters' on Human-Computer Interaction might want to take a look at the MHCI, which besides being backed by CMU also gives you the opportunity to work with some very smart people I know at UMa (plus you can't beat the location).
  • Benjamin Reed (he of KDE on fame) has joined Planet Tao. Folk are free to suggest any other -centric developer blogs of interest.
  • bought Marratech, one of the few cross-platform solutions I knew about. I can only hope it doesn't go under the radar as long as JotSpot.
  • Finally installed , only to find that it doesn't play along with (would be very handy to find those pesky bits of code that you tend to gloss over when tired).
  • Had a go at trying and , but couldn't even download the latter until I switched away from Netcabo's DNS (which won't resolve their download site for some reason). Was worth it, though I still don't know if tagging files is for me (can't really get the hang of it).

Which brings me to one of my current hassles with - try as I might, I can't define a trigger on my for opening the current selection with a specific app (be it or anything else). I can do that on my G5 (where I did it successfully for several different apps), but not on the (where I can't do it at all).

Right now I'm considering it a bug, and moving on.

In the meantime, I've been fiddling around with and stuff like wide-area to do automatic syncing of files (basically running with a couple of specific command lines depending on where I am), but so far I'm not truly happy.

Anyone know about a nice, friendly solution for this sort of thing?