Well, that was a "fun" week, with my arriving home late, tired and with the thermometer showing upwards of 35C in the evening, which made for a couple of poorly slept nights and the consumption of enough water to fill a sizable portion of a swimming pool.
Oh, and my Daring Fireball T-Shirt just arrived, too. Another reason to be portrayed as a Mac Zealot by the unbelievers, I guess...
Fortunately, Tuesday's a holiday and I can try to rest a bit, and maybe do some coding if I can tolerate the relative coolness of the iBook on my lap.
Anyway, I've missed most of the news, devoted some time to researching old stories, and have been teasing out the details of Sprint's announcement of its upcoming WiMax network. Lo and behold, it is not vaporware anymore - it's now scheduled to become a reality, and people are actually putting their (corporate) necks on the line - which is the best sign of it actually panning out.
But more on all of that later. Let's start with the news, or whatever bits I've been able to salvage from all the opinions about the WWDC, about Microsoft moving from Visual Basic to AppleScript (which, besides the validity of any other points, is another stumbling block for corporate Mac adoption), or the timid return of iPhone rumors:
- So, now we hear that Merom will come to the Mac this September. Okay, I'm game - it would be pretty good timing for me, although I have to wonder if this is going to be a "gen 1/gen 2" thing all over again if they have to redesign the logic boards.
- Sidenote went Universal. I do like it, but I keep forgetting it's there and using VoodooPad instead.
- There's more evidence of actual WWAN broadband support for Macs along what I wrote earlier. The menus and signal meter look the same (since these are also Novatel cards), but I keep wondering if it wouldn't make sense to push this into some OS toolkit.
- Via Gruber, here's a clone of Leopard's "instant Dashboard widget" functionality (aka the web clipping tool) for your continued amusement.
- Om Malik posted about the Sony Mylo, which looks pretty neat. I still have some qualms regarding its real-life usefulness outside the home, but considering I spend a lot of time using the PSP as a browser, I'd say that they are on the right track. Bit expensive, though.