The weather's a right mess - not that I spent more time at home... Here are a few interesting tidbits I scrounged out of my overflowing RSS inbox:
- There's a new newspipe release out, featuring Davi's Unicode patches, Ricardo's HTTP auth code (for Gmail Atom feeds) and some more MIME tweaking by yours truly.
- An RSS Roundtable. Interesting to see which way Mac OS X aggregators are going.
- An über-PVR from Siemens has surfaced. Sadly, it is not something we're likely to be able to use in Portugal - for now.
- Apparently the Blackberry/7270 will be the first RIM device to include Wi-Fi.
- A storage router - Wi-Fi and a 160GB hard disk, but most likely using Ximeta's proprietary protocol.
- Looks like OpenOffice is finally starting to work decently in Mac OS X. Get it here. Er, sorry, the actual patch is here.
- VoodooPad has hit Version 2.0 beta. Go out and grab it, but keep your old copy around - the beta expires on November 30th.
Finally, our moment of Zen just had to be the Sushi USB Drives.