Oh well. Miscellaneous hassles (and a severe bout of allergy, undoubtedly brought on by a chocolate overdose) have prevented me from pursuing my Ming/Flash antics, but I remade the navigation bar (merging it with the "action bar" above) and between sneezes I was able to find a few interesting tidbits on the Net.
Pulling a Pixar
Via Todd, here's what Apple intends to make available this summer to use alongside Final Cut Pro (which, by the way, also gets an upgrade):
And you probably want a SAN to store your terabytes of digital masterpieces, so Apple also launched Xsan. Hmmm. I wonder how long it will take for them to clear out all non-Apple hardware from Pixar?
Link Spree
- Being closer to the fray than me, Russell examines the AT&T Wireless fiasco (background). Ouch. Let that be a lesson to all CRM integrators: Do it right, or kill the patient.
- T-Mobile is slipping, by the way. Not a real surprise, but a bit sooner than what I expected given the current economic "semi-depression".
- An O'Reilly DevCenter Article on COM development on Mac OS X. Gosh, I miss MFC, but I don't miss it that much. Still, COM is way better than CORBA for simple inter-application stuff, and can pull some amazing stunts (like generating a complete parts list from a Visio drawing).
- Slashdot gets religion, in what may be one of the strangest things the Church has done since Pope Gregory XIII issued the "Inter Gravissimus" bull and deleted ten days from the calendar. I think I liked it better when they stuck to obvious things like the average PC having 28 spyware programs and TRON costumes (warning: hilarious pictures).