Besides some of yesterday's stuff, I've already spotted a few brilliant April Fools'.
- To top the list (in this age of P2P/copyright struggle), the brand new RFC for Omniscience Protocol Requirements. It's funny enough until you realize:
- That it's precisely what politicians (and some corporate network admins) dream of.
- That the Witty Worm could be the first attempt at implementing it.
...then it gets hilarious.
But there's plenty more:
- The OQO ships
- Google Job Offering (fancy some moon cheese?)
- Russell's New Job At Microsoft
- Google Gmail (wow!), Press Release for 1GB Mailboxes, CNN coverage - like it was possible to have more e-mail storage than all the world's MP3/P2P traffic... even the Associated Press fell for this one, and MacSlash ran a story on how it would be powered by Apple's brand new G5 Xserves.
- The Chicken Nuke (bok, bok, bang!)
- The Onimusha Sword Controller for the PlayStation 2 - given Japan's penchant for wierd gizmos, there's an outside chance this is not an April Fools', though.
- Mobitopia's exposé of latent Wi-Fi abilities in some Series 60 firmware versions. I've already had to explain twice that Bluetooth is not Wi-Fi - not by a longshot.
- Outsorcing to Mars (via MacSlash).
- WinBeta Switched, redoing their site with a Mac OS X look. I suppose that's what all Windows users secretly wish they could do...
- Inform Quake - currently slashdotted out of existence.
- Unreal Tournament 2004 - an April Fools' for years now. The fact that the Mac OS X version is actually shipping is too... er... unreal to believe.
There's a tentative list of today's April Fools', and I'll be adding a few more as they come in... If I survive commemorations of my 5-year anniversary at my current job, that is.
And yeah, the date is oddly fitting.