Implosive Decompression

After spending most of my day alternately unpacking my crates, re-connecting my work environment (which now consists of three firewalled interfaces and a bunch of static routes on Windows 2003 RRAS), and clearing my pending issues list, I've spent most of my leisure hours enjoying the sensation of being the first human being to play Colin McRae as if I was driving an industrial-strength lawnmower, watching the Xbox version of Windows Update and idly surfing the Net.

Let's see if something interesting crops up.


Whee. Another long-haul, high-speed wireless standard surfaces, this time with working equipment (70Mbps at 30KM range).

Hotspots Near You

Apparently you'll soon be able to find nearby hotspots... using your WAP phone. Talk about an odd mix of technology.

The N-Gage, Fortune Tellers, and Statistics.

The Register glosses over Nokia's marketing of the N-Gage and tries to put things into perspective. I say it's a dodo, but Nokia's market clout is such that nobody wants to bet either way.