Tags, CSS and layout tweaks

I decided to make post tags visible again across the entire site.

Those had originally been removed from the layout because I wasn’t a fan of the visual clutter, but I realized that for some posts they provide additional hints to the people landing here from places like HN or Mastodon and who, having never visited before or lacking the will to scroll to the bottom and see related posts, might need an extra bit of context.

So I added them back and tweaked the CSS to make them slightly less annoying than before. No navigation yet, sorry.

Tags are also a nice way to add some subtext to posts, jwz style–so they might also get added to the RSS feed at some time in the future (although since they are already there in the metadata, I would rather leave the choice to the reader–be it the app or the entity1 in question).

I also hope to add back some snark–with the recent layoffs and my renewed focus on finding a more satisfactory job, I have been somewhat remiss in injecting humor into most of my posts, and I miss it.

Which reminds me: If you’re a regular reader of this blog (and thus, hopefully, with a decent idea of what I am capable of doing) and if your company can hire for senior roles in Europe (I am currently at principal level, have a lot of experience in overall stakeholder and engagement management of various kinds as well as with just about any sort of tech), feel free to hop over to carmo.io, snag a copy of the home page or my LinkedIn profile, and refer me internally–or just reach out for a chat. Thank you in advance.

  1. By that I mean the human or other sentient entity, of course. ↩︎