I must confess that I’m torn about the idea of a hardware keyboard for the iPhone.
I used a BlackBerry for years (I was the local product manager for it at Vodafone, so I used them right up to the disastrous BlackBerry Storm), but once I switched to the iPhone I found I actually typed faster (at least with the early versions, before autocorrect became flaky).
Perhaps that’s due to the fact that I routinely have to switch languages on the fly (the Clicks doesn’t seem to have accented characters, although they can be easily typed on an US layout with Option
key combos).
But I’ll freely grant that today’s onscreen keyboards are so full of junk (autocomplete suggestions, emojis, etc.) that they waste too much screen real estate, and that the idea of getting that back and having real tactile feedback is interesting–even if it makes a large iPhone even more unwieldy.