The title is, alas, very much misleading, and leads me to believe that Ars is determined to milk this for a good while. I understand the enthusiasm - not only has the Pre delivered on most expectations regarding what a mobile, web-oriented communication device should be like, but its launch and the rise of Rubinstein play the US tech scene’s collective psyche like a well-tuned fiddle.
It’s the quintessential David vs Goliath, clever underdog and return of the prodigal son story all rolled into one, and the tech buzz opinion makers are just lapping it up. Too bad that the Pre all the required enterprise features at launch (and at the time of writing of Ars’ piece, which kind of confuses web service integration with enterprise-grade features…) - lets the whole article down when, like me, you’ve been running Exchange and using enterprise-oriented devices for many years now…