
Scheme is a dialect that has not just gone its own way (as is usual with LISPs) but also achieved IEEE standardization. With a focus on lexical scope and tail call optimization, it actually contributed many of its ideas back into Common LISP.


Category Date Link Notes
Compilers 2023 whiffle

a minimal Scheme-to-C compiler


an AOT Scheme to WebAssembly compiler

2021 Kawa

a Scheme that runs on the JVM


small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT compilation and 4K footprint

2019 Chez Scheme

a high-performance Scheme compiler

2018 gerbil Scheme

a layer over Gambit

2016 Cyclone Scheme

Supports multiple native threads

Larceny Scheme

Compiles to Intel and ARM machine code


A compiler for the Arduino

Chicken Scheme

One of the most well-known compilers

Interpreters 2025 steel

an empedded Scheme interpreter written in Rust


a R7RS Scheme interpreter written in Rust

2023 chibi-scheme

an embeddable Scheme interpreter


a tiny Racket for scripting (written in C)


an R7RS Scheme interpreter

2022 owl

a Scheme interpreter written in C, that can apparently also compile to C


a Scheme-like dialect of Lisp in which everything is a first-class object.

2021 armpit Scheme

an ancient R7RS interpreter

S7 Scheme

a TinyScheme variant designed for embedding into other projects

2020 Guile

the GNU Scheme implementation, which has a JIT

2019 schemy

a .NET embeddable Scheme interpreter

2016 s9fes

A well-documented interpreter that can run on Plan9

2014 IronScheme

Runs atop the .NET DLR

Libraries 2020 r-cade

a Racket library for doing simple retro-style games

2019 scheme-lib

A set of libraries for Chez


More libraries for Chez Scheme

Tools 2021 Alive

VS Code extension

2019 chez-exe

A tool to generate standalone executables with Chez

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