Spent a quiet day reading and rebuilding my NSLU2 setup, resisting the temptation to set up everything plus the kitchen sink on it. Which is tough, considering the thing can even run mySQL, but then again, I just can't be bothered with certain degrees of tinkering anymore.
The find of the day was MacFusion, which is probably the best thing since sliced bread as far as editing remote files is concerned. It runs rings around the existing MacFUSE front-end, and is heartily recommended.
In case you've never heard about it, MacFUSE makes it possible to mount remote filesystems via SSH or FTP. MacFusion acts as a front-end, keeping track of your server connections, displaying their status (notifying you of changes via Growl) and - best of all for me - working with SSH key managers such as SSHKeyChain.
And it's great - firing up TextMate on a remote directory in project mode makes a big difference to my productivity - and, even better, is much less of a hassle than fiddling with a terminal window to review multiple files.