I see that Jamie has started porting XDaliClock to Mac OS X. Now, this may be (or may not) be construed as an omen as far as XScreenSaver's future is concerned, but it is sure to make for interesting reading.
As are Miguel's and Erik's comments on these (which seem to have spawned quite the controversy). I, for one, would very much like to see some sort of Mono support in Mac OS X, if only to save me the trouble of learning yet another set of niche/potentially dead-end technologies (I'm not dissing Cocoa, it's just that I don't see any point in developing for it myself given the range of platforms I use).
Jumping from language wars to browser nuisances, I've finally installed Firefox 1.5 on my iMac, largely thanks to Nuno. Yes, it's mainly his fault, but I also needed a decent JavaScript tool, and believe me, Safari isn't it - it's too permissive, and half the Ajax stuff I wrote for it breaks in Firefox.
Remember, kids, develop and test your sites for Firefox first. That way it is pretty damn sure to work with just about any browser.
The fact that the extensions I really need (HTTP inspectors and DOM browsers) finally work with it also helped, of course. But Safari is still my default, with Camino as backup.
In other news, there are abundant fresh rumors of Intel Macs in January. I will wait until they actually show up, but I guess it's a slow news day, so folk have to keep talking about it.
I have slightly more interesting things to think about, honestly. For instance, I've resumed my hobby of dragging a Cobalt (an ancient RedHat-based machine) kicking and screaming into the glorious age of Fedora Core 4, one RPM at a time.
Judging by the time it's taking to build and test autoconf my guess is that it will take three days or so to get the right RPM subset to build properly, and it's about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Which reminds me: this site was supposed to have a HOWTO for installing Gentoo on the damn things. Anyone happen to know where it's gone? The stuff I can find there is mostly about upgrading ROMs, not about the whole setup process on the Intel Cobalt hardware.