- I've updated my HOWTO on Switching to the Mac a bit:
- Keyboard-related stuff gets its own section (since there are frequent issues with Remote Desktop and VNC on non-US keyboards)
- Windows and UNIX/Linux-specific hints also get their own sections, and quite a bit of new content.
- Several minor fixes and updates (as well as a couple of new "essential" applications).
- Martin Hering (of MediaCentral fame) has joined the planet - as more and more people start thinking of using their Macs as media hubs, he is sure to provide interesting reading (as well as a working, no-frills alternative to Front Row).
- In case you missed the press release (no English version yet, sorry), here's the first outside reference to Vodafone Portugal's HSDPA announcement that I came across.
In the meantime, I've also started drafting a new Mac-oriented HOWTO, which will be up in a few days (hopefully). Watch this space.
And yes, I know the site badly needs a "print view". I'll try to gather the patience to pore over the CSS again and tweak it for print media, but I'd rather think about it for a while instead of going the "quick fix" route.