- The RIAA remains silent as CD sales increase. So, that little P2P thing isn't hurting sales after all, huh?
- The MPAA goes Big Brother on Academy Members. Custom DVD players and custom proprietary disks to distribute movie screeners - I guess they've been watching Mission: Impossible again...
- Nextel Lets You Keep Tabs on Your Employees. Ah... Enabling frustrated employers to be as prepotent as they wish - what a popular service, right?
- I Read Your E-Mail. Looks like I'll have to stop wearing this T-Shirt - people might start thinking it's for real.
- So, Does Congress want to Regulate VoIP? Now this is going to make a difference, whatever the decision.
- Gartner declares floppies a security risk - er... make that USB drives. And iPods. According to one of the most clueless reports ever, people who carry these to the office can infect corporate networks with viruses and steal company secrets. Guess what - that has been possible for ages, and size never mattered (top-secret documents during the 360KB floppy era were... what? 64KB?). As usual, the remedies include purchasing so-and-so software from so-and-so vendor to act as an "USB firewall" and control what users do with their PCs - you might as well ship vacuum-welded PCs with absolutely no way to interface to the outside world... And someone would still get in a virus through Wi-Fi, IrDA or Bluetooth. Duh.
- Tokyo Aerial Photos. Neat, even if I can't read around 99.9% of it.