According to PalmInfoCenter, the PEG-UX50 started shipping in limited quantities. A quick trip to SonyStyle Europe shows that it costs 1.005,91 EUR (incl. VAT, of course, but VAT doesn't quite cover the difference from US$699...) plus shipping charges.
The shop is rather badly designed in that it won't show shipping charges unless you actually buy something, so I have no idea what those would be. Furthermore, the PEG-UX50 is listed as being "on order" (i.e., not in stock).
The Amazing Variety of PEG-UX50 Pricing
A friend of mine (hi pmos!) took the time to compare PEG-UX50 and PEG-NZ90 prices, and came up with the following table:
Country UX50 NZ90 USA 699.99 USD 799.99 USD Portugal 1005.91 EUR 965.22 EUR Spain 989.00 EUR 949.00 EUR Ireland 899.01 EUR 905.00 EUR Deutschland 749.00 EUR 849.00 EUR France 849.00 EUR 949.00 EUR UK 599.00 UKP 599.00 UKP
Like... You gotta be kidding, right, Sony? Why should I pay a premium for being Portuguese?