I’m of two minds about this - on one hand this ticks all the boxes for network computing done “the right way” (i.e., with cheap, flexible clients that won’t be obsoleted and web standards for underlying applications), and on the other I simply don’t think it’s wise to have everything on the cloud on a personal level. Plus I see little to no mention of true mobility (i.e., again, 3G is ubiquitous around these parts, but Wi-Fi isn’t) or enough details on disconnected operation (because, after all, there always comes a time when you are not really on any network). These, and the amount of hype the thing is generating even though nobody can show a real-life use case for it other than using Google’s apps or viewing their banner ads, make me wonder about how far it will go where it’s probably the most necessary - third-world countries with little to no infrastructure and a need for cheap, flexible computing solutions.