HOWTO: Disable CHAP Support in Mac OS X


For some specific PPP authentication purposes, it is sometimes necessary to disable CHAP support in 's PPP, forcing it to downgrade to PAP.

The Script

Here is a short I wrote in order to make it easier for tech support folk to help out customers with this problem (it's a quick hack - use it as such).

display dialog "This script disables CHAP support in Mac OS X.

You will now be asked for your admin password
in order to modify a system file (/etc/ppp/options)." buttons "OK"
set normal_command to "touch /etc/ppp/options;chmod a+w /etc/ppp/options;echo \"refuse-chap
refuse-mschap-v2\" > /etc/ppp/options;chmod a-w /etc/ppp/options"
do shell script "sh -c " & quoted form of normal_command with administrator privileges
display dialog "Thank you.

To re-enable CHAP authentication, remove
the /etc/ppp/options file." buttons "OK" giving up after 5

This page is referenced in:

  • HOWTONov 18th 2006