Melo has been telling me just how cool jQuery is for weeks now, and despite spending some time looking at it I couldn't really get to grips with it - what with my now having negative time for any sort of technical hobbies, and arriving late every evening with my head bursting.
Anyway, mid-way through my alloted time to study this evening, I decided to take a break. My ancient set of coding-related neurons sparked, got me to whip through the docs and, after fifteen minutes in the coding zone, came up with this:
window.onload=function() { $("a").filter(".delete").click(function() { $(this).parent().hide("fast"); $.ajax({type:"GET", url:'action.php', data:"ajax=yes&action=delete&uid=" + $(this).parent().attr("id")}); return false; }) }
Which is a zero-refactoring, forklift upgrade to my newspipe front-end, now brought kicking and screaming into the Web 2.0 age. The bit of code above collapses a section's containing div and asks the server to delete the relevant item, all neatly done via jQuery's chaining features.
Clean, elegant, just like functional programming (of which I did entirely too much at college). Heartily recommended.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to 学习中文, which is what I really should be doing all along.