Dipping Into Penguin-Infested Waters

Given that thanks to the amazingly aggressive data tariffs here in (and consequent popularity of real, unfettered wireless broadband access) I now get around three e-mails/questions/phone calls a week regarding HSDPA support in non-Windows environments (and I'm not even tied into any kind of formal support structure, these are just from people who know me and random surfers), I decided to take some time this weekend to follow up on my of the matter and get up to speed on the state of the art regarding HSDPA support in .

Now, is obviously not what I get most questions for, but it is the environment I haven't been keeping track of at all, so forcing myself to take dip into it again seemed like a good idea (if only to broaden my horizons a bit).

Since I don't use as a desktop/laptop environment (despite the odd attempt to do so at random intervals), I had to dust off and fire up my ancient Toshiba 8100, which runs Core 5 (without SELinux enabled, which is the only tenable solution in such a slow machine).

After downloading 400MB of updates (boy, was it that long since I last used it?), I got to spend a quiet hour looking at the options available.

The bottom line is: If you can find the Option Nozomi GPL driver source code it can be made to work, but the procedure is a little harrowing (i.e., like I pointed out , it's not just about using usbserial magic anymore).

But never fear, it's quite manageable, and after poking around and comparing several mini-guides around the Web, I've come to the conclusion that if you can find your way around , all the card-specific stuff you really need to know is neatly summarized here. It's -based, but easily reproducible in other distributions.

Although I could write a covering this for , most of the nitty-gritty, trial and error stuff has already been done by more capable hands than mine, so I probably won't bother. However, please take note that I did not fare as well with a Novatel U740 card as with an Option one, but that may well be due to some peculiarity in 's support.

Your mileage (as always with ) will vary.