Living in a Box

Spent all day camped out in a meeting room coaxing random Coldplay tracks out of my (fortunately I had other stuff in there too, otherwise I’d have gone nuts).

You wouldn’t believe the amount of stuff I was able to plow through without every nitwit in the building managing to:

  1. Find me.
  2. Talk loudly on the phone nearby.
  3. Pester me with irrelevant questions.
  4. All of the above.

Which means that, for a change, I didn’t arrive home dog tired. Maybe moderately annoyed at the extra amount of calls I had (mostly of the “where are you? are you busy?” variety), still feeling vastly overworked, but at least with some sense of progress.

Mind you, that won’t prevent me from paging through vendor presentations for the remainder of the evening. So let’s make the best of this break…

Some News

  • There’s some noise around concerning Darwine running on Intel s, but it seems to be (still) too early. Given WINE’s relative (in)success in catching up with mainstream Windows, I’m still betting on virtualization (come on VMware, do your stuff).
  • Melo has an interesting tip on generating good passwords in (I think I read something about the Password Assistant waaay back, but never gave it another thought till today).
  • Symbian is trying to get more licensees, by both lowering their licensing fee and publishing a handset reference design. Good going.
  • Ah, yes, Songbird has been launched
    • for Windows only. At least one of my colleagues dumped it on sight and went back to , and I can’t honestly be bothered (even on Windows).