HOWTO Deluge

Well, it seems that the rainy weekend paid off. There are now two new, draft s available:

  • - renamed after a suggestion from Doeke Zanstra (sorry - renaming the Wiki node removed your comment, but I've already incorporated it into the text...).
  • HOWTO/Setup GPRS/UMTS Access on a Mac - a more generic and wide-ranging page, written to provide some background on the whys and hows of setting up mobile access on a for the casual user without (as of yet) going into far too many specifics and scaring people away.

Suggestions and comments are, as always, welcome.

However, please bear in mind that I won't be picking these up during the next few days (unless there is some sort of crass mistake or typo).

I am, after all, only eight hours away from the first conference call of the week, and my work schedule doesn't look good for the next few days...