So, to start off the Tiger linkfest, here are a few interesting odds and ends I'm collecting for when I take the plunge.
- Cafe Fighter, a hack to get rid of the ugly toolbar buttons.
- Tiger ships with Ruby 1.8.2, so Rails should work fine - after you fix it, of course (via Melo)
- .Mac can now synchronize settings, smart folders, keychains, etc. Oddly enough, SSH keys seem to have been left out of this goodness.
- There's an RSS Visualizer screensaver, which has a blue background - here's how to hack it to have a black one.
- John Gruber is compiling a Tiger Details List, trackable via this feed.
- There are a lot of Dashboard frills that I don't care about, but these look interesting:
- WikitiWidget (might replace VoodooPad Lite with this)
- dashLicious (a posting widget)
- tailDash (to keep track of logs)