A few things I wish I had already, instead of trying to make do with seconds.
- A decent VNC 4 protocol client for Mac OS X with complete international keyboard support. Don't bother suggesting any, I've just gone through every single one on VersionTracker and Sourceforge. I do that every three months or so, and still can't find anything better than VNCThing (which at least lets me type accented characters properly).
- An RDP protocol server for Linux that would allow a vanilla Remote Desktop XP client to connect to a Linux server without procotol shims.
- A decently integrated, honest-to-goodness drop-in-installable WebDAV/Subversion server that cuts to the chase instead of pussyfooting around and requiring enough extra packages to start looking like an emacs emulator. Oh, and with something like Trac bundled in.
- Tiger's Mail.app with Outlook 2003-style flagging.
- Visio for the Mac and Linux. And I do mean Visio, with all its stencils, tools and file formats.
One can hope, I guess.