Quentin's Presentation

Instead of watching and Bill Gates reminiscing about the past (which I will, eventually, once I can spare the time and disk space required to grab that off ), I just spent a very entertaining 45 minutes watching Quentin Stafford-Fraser recounting the story behind Ndiyo and DisplayLink.

Regular readers will know that I’m a fan of Network Computing (what with my spending all my office hours – wherever I happen to be on the planet – inside a session for over a year now), and I’ve been tracking the display trend actively for quite a bit now.

In his talk, Quentin makes a number of very interesting points about the ‘VGA tyranny’ (in a very entertaining fashion) and shows a number of demos and different applications – real-world, meaningful applications, not useless flashy stuff.

I’m still waiting for a version of their stuff, but the talk (and the various examples therein) is easily the most interesting thing I’ve seen in months.

Not only is the video heartily recommended, the concept behind it is the one thing I’d love getting into if I left telecomms.