Rainy Break

Thank you, Tim, for Night Watch - I love Pratchett's stuff and it will be a nice book to curl up with during .

Today's a holiday over here and I've taken Friday off, so there's finally time to relax and put some of my personal affairs in order.

I started with cleaning up my RSS workflow (updating newspipe, tossing out some hideous ad-ridden feeds, filtering others, etc.), and put a new version of webpipe up. The Sourceforge CVS seems to be on the blink, though (my updates don't show up on the web interface yet), so here's a zip file for your entertainment.

It now appears to work properly with the and Opera Mini, and does not use PATH_INFO anymore. Although I'm not happy about the way some of it is coded (I keep wanting to do a version), it's one of those quick hacks that just keeps on giving.

In the meantime, I went on the prowl for useful software (it's been a while since I updated my toolchest):

  • Skype has added video calling - but for Windows, so it doesn't impress me one whit.
  • Firefox 1.5 is nice, but still eats a bit more CPU than it should under and most of my favorite don't work with it yet, so I'm not overly enthusiastic either.
  • Chandler has hit 0.6 (and looks very nice indeed), but it isn't quite all there yet, and I've yet to feel a real need to do calendaring on a . On , well... If I had one, I'd probably look at this GPE Calendar port.