Organisms In Bits

Paraphrasing the old joke regarding Biology, if there is one thing worse than bleeding-edge technology that doesn't work, it's bleeding-edge technology that will, under carefully controlled lab conditions, do as it damn well pleases.

I suppose that in a couple of weeks something else will come up to compensate (hope has nothing to do with it). In the meantime, some news:

  • Wow, Tanembaum is still at it. I had some fun with Minix and similar kernels back in college (as well as QNX soon after), and this is the sort of thing I'd love to spend some time with. Alas, it's not to be.
  • Here's an that exports from into SimpleViewer (my previous photo album interface).
  • There's a new beta version of MGMaps with marker support (as well as a new stable version, but the beta looks a lot more interesting).
  • Dominic Evans sent me this link to a side-by-side comparison of the new screens. I must say they look very roomy indeed.

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