Looking Back

Since we're officially in the fourth quarter of 2005, I started going through my list of . Turns out I was wrong in a lot of things (I didn't have the faintest idea of what Ajax would turn out to be, and was completely blind to the early signs of Web 2.0 mania), but there are quite a few spot-on hits in there...

Of course, the year's not over yet, and I can get a few more things right - or, more likely, wrong. :)

Anyway, here's some news (to be updated after dinner if I have time):

  • 5.10 has reached Release Candidate status, and to see if I could break my usual hex (most of my installs didn't work properly after a couple of updates), I went, got the ISO, and booted it up inside . So far, so good (even if I wouldn't call the installer "finished"), but it will be a while before I'll run it on any of my physical hardware ( Core 5, however, will probably go straight to my laptop). Update: What kind of brain-damaged installer doesn't check for available disk space vs. package selection? Yeah, I'm reinstalling on a bigger disk image...
  • Oh, yes, . It's a nice little QEMU front-end I found today when searching (of all things) for an ARM toolchain for (which I also found, here). In a year's time, if everything works out, I'll probably be running its Intel cousin at near-native speed...
  • And yes, I am tooling up to develop in (or at least tinker with) , for which there is an impressive Application Catalog already. It's called "developer's wanderlust", and I guess it shows I'm getting borderline desperate as my vacation time starts to run out. (I much prefer spending cash on a than on a - unless I get one at clearance sales or something).
  • In the meantime, GTK+ is starting to run natively on . And that includes the one graphical application everyone loves to hate, the GIMP. Finally, a way to run Gnome stuff on without the crud and crutch that is X11. I just hope they strip out the theme engine and go for native widgets.