The Musical Instrument Digital Interface, a set of protocols and data formats for digital music instruments and music representation.


Category Date Link Notes
DAWs 2021 Bitwig

a cross-platform DAW that runs on Windows, Linux (Debian, Flatpak) and macOS and sports a built-in modular synth (among other niceties)

Hardware 2024 Teensy MIDI Library

Schematics and notes for the Teensy microcontroller

Networking 2022 rtpMIDI

Windows driver for Mac-compatible network MIDI

Players MinimalMIDIPlayer

supports .sf2 soundfiles, which makes it the perfect thing to go with the Arachno SoundFont

Reference Ted's Linux MIDI Guide

last seen on June 2015, around the time I revived a dead synth.

Stage Managing 2023 Chataigne

A syncronization tool that supports MIDI, OSC, DMX, Ableton Link and various other networking protocols to orchestrate live shows.

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